無懼社會變遷,旅行鬆一鬆! 尊享優惠禮遇
想遠離煩囂,來個旅行鬆一鬆? 現在就是最佳時機,尊享優惠禮遇!

Offer 1 - Safeguard
Your Journey with Complimentary Travel Insurance
From now on until 15th June 2019, receive complimentary Bluecross Travel
Insurance (Gold Plan) to safeguard your journey upon joining any luxe
travel packages valued at HKD8,000 per pax of above.
Offer 2 - Personalise Your Journey with Complimentary Luxe Concierge
From now on until 31st May 2019, receive a complimentary Luxe Journey
Concierge Service per 2 adults (Valued at HKD480) upon joining any luxe
travel packages, no minimum purchase is required.
[Discover: (+852) 2539 0628 | Luxe Private Tour: (+852) 2539 0629 /
(+86) 147 14337 863 | Email:info@luxetravel.com.hk]
*Terms & Conditions apply. Offers are applicable on new bookings
only and are not combinable, cannot be used in conjunction with any
other promotional offers. Offers are valid on purchase of packages for 2
adults travelling together. One Luxe Journey Concierge Service per 2
adults is available at least 14 days prior to departure upon full
settlement and completion of transaction. Or receive complimentary
Travel insurance which is available upon full details of travellers
provided and full settlement. Travel package refers to booking of hotel
accommodation with international flight departing from Hong Kong
through Luxe Travel; or booking of Luxe Private Day Tour and hotel
accommodation. Please consult your Luxe Travel Specialist for details.
In case of dispute, Luxe Travel Limited reserves all rights.
Read more at: https://www.luxetravel.com.hk/EN/News-exciting-summer-offers-now-available
Offer 1 - Safeguard
Your Journey with Complimentary Travel Insurance
From now on until 15th June 2019, receive complimentary Bluecross Travel
Insurance (Gold Plan) to safeguard your journey upon joining any luxe
travel packages valued at HKD8,000 per pax of above.
Offer 2 - Personalise Your Journey with Complimentary Luxe Concierge
From now on until 31st May 2019, receive a complimentary Luxe Journey
Concierge Service per 2 adults (Valued at HKD480) upon joining any luxe
travel packages, no minimum purchase is required.
[Discover: (+852) 2539 0628 | Luxe Private Tour: (+852) 2539 0629 /
(+86) 147 14337 863 | Email:info@luxetravel.com.hk]
*Terms & Conditions apply. Offers are applicable on new bookings
only and are not combinable, cannot be used in conjunction with any
other promotional offers. Offers are valid on purchase of packages for 2
adults travelling together. One Luxe Journey Concierge Service per 2
adults is available at least 14 days prior to departure upon full
settlement and completion of transaction. Or receive complimentary
Travel insurance which is available upon full details of travellers
provided and full settlement. Travel package refers to booking of hotel
accommodation with international flight departing from Hong Kong
through Luxe Travel; or booking of Luxe Private Day Tour and hotel
accommodation. Please consult your Luxe Travel Specialist for details.
In case of dispute, Luxe Travel Limited reserves all rights.
Read more at: https://www.luxetravel.com.hk/EN/News-exciting-summer-offers-now-available
優惠 1 - 旅遊保險守護您的旅程 / 禮賓服務尊享更個人化貼心旅程
- 藍十字旅遊寶「環球千足金計劃」保險乙份。讓您在享受每一個精彩品味旅程的同時,也可安心旅遊; 或
- 「品味禮賓服務」乙次 / 每兩位成人計 (價值HKD480)。讓您在享受每一個精彩品味旅程的同時,也可體驗個人化貼心旅程。
優惠 2 - 機場快綫
- 來回香港機場快綫車票乙張 / 每兩位成人計。送完即止。
[查詢: (+852) 2539 0628 |尊貴獨立包團: (+852) 2539 0629 / (+86) 147 14337 863 | 電郵:info@luxetravel.com.hk]
*條款及細則適用。 優惠不可同時使用。優惠適用於新的旅程、購買旅遊套票及最少二位成人同行。優惠期至2019年8月31日。旅遊套票定義為經品味遊預訂由香港出發之國際航班連同當地酒店住宿,或預訂品味遊私人日賞團連同當地酒店住宿。旅遊套票一經確認及付畢全數後,每兩位成人旅者尊享品味禮賓服務乙次 (購物滿HKD10,000/成人),或保險乙份(購物滿HKD10,000/成人); 或來回香港機場快綫車票乙張以每兩位成人計(購物滿HKD6,000/成人),送完即止。而確認所需之品味禮賓服務後,將於出發日前約14個工作天以電郵發送給客戶。詳情請與您的品味遊專員聯絡。如有任何爭議,以英文本為準及品味遊保留最終之決定權 。