1 Week Left | Early Bird Promotion | Luxe Amanjiwo Journey
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Amanjiwo faces the Kedu Plain, and offers clear views to UNESCO World Heritage Site of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist sanctuary in the world. Guests catch their first glimpse of the ancient monument, dramatically framed by the resort’s regal entrance, on arrival at the resort.
About Amanjiwo: http://www.luxetravel.com.hk/travel-amanjiwo-indonesia-yogyakarta
Enjoy LUXE TRAVEL in a Different Way!

From now on until 27th April 2016, enjoy LUXE EARLY BIRD OFFER for up to 20% off to stay at this ultimate luxury hotel while discovering unique World Heritage. Terms & Conditions apply.
Travel by: 19th December 2016
Discover > +852 2539 0628 | Private Tour > +852 2539 0629/+86 14714337 863 | Email >info@luxetravel.com.hk